Complaints policy

Complaints policy

  • Only goods that have been purchased from the Seller and that are the property of the Buyer may be claimed.
  • If the ownership has not yet passed from the Seller to the Buyer, the Buyer shall, in accordance with the applicable legislation, settle the claim only after full payment in accordance with § 151 of the Civil Code.
  • If the buyer is a consumer - a natural person, the offered goods are guaranteed for 24 months, unless otherwise specified in the goods and are subject to the Consumer Protection Act and the Civil Code.
  • If the buyer is not a consumer, the provisions of the Commercial Code shall apply.
  • The warranty period starts on the date of delivery of the goods to the buyer.
  • The Buyer is obliged to lodge a claim with the Seller immediately upon discovery of the defect.
  • Liability for defects does not extend to defects caused by subsequent use:
  • mechanical damage caused by the buyer,
  • improper handling of the product in a manner other than that specified in the instructions for use,
  • use of the goods in conditions which do not correspond to the natural environment of the goods,
  • use of the goods contrary to the conditions stated in the documentation, general principles, technical standards or safety regulations or other breach of warranty.
  • Defects caused by natural disasters are also excluded from liability for defects.
  • Liability for defects also excludes normal wear and tear of the goods (or parts thereof) caused by the use of the goods. A shorter service life of the product cannot therefore be considered a defect and cannot be claimed.
  • Complained goods must be sent to our address (no COD) or delivered in person to the contact address. The goods must be packed appropriately to prevent damage during transport. The goods must be accompanied by a copy of the proof of purchase (invoice) and we recommend attaching a completed Complaint Form. Complaints must only be sent in writing (by post) or in person (not by e-mail).

Complaint form

  • The Seller will acknowledge receipt of the claim and issue the Buyer with a confirmation of the claim in a suitable form. The date of the claim shall be deemed to be the date on which it is received by the Seller. If the acknowledgement cannot be delivered immediately, it must be delivered without undue delay, but at the latest together with the proof of settlement of the complaint. The acknowledgement of the complaint shall be sent in writing.
  • The Seller is obliged to settle the complaint within 30 days from the date on which it was made. However, the processing of the complaint may not take longer than 30 days from the date of the complaint. After the expiration of the 30-day period for processing the complaint, the buyer has the right to withdraw from the purchase contract and will be refunded the full amount for the goods or has the right to exchange the goods for new ones.
  • Buyer's rights when making a claim:
  • In the case of a remediable defect, the Buyer has the right to have it remedied free of charge, properly and in a timely manner. The seller decides on the method of removal of the defect. The buyer may request that the defective item be replaced by a faultless item instead of repair, provided that this does not incur disproportionate costs for the seller in relation to the price of the goods or the seriousness of the defect,
  • in the event of an irremediable defect that prevents the proper use of the item for its intended purpose, the buyer has the right to either replace the item or withdraw from the purchase contract (refund).
  • A complaint is deemed to be settled if the complaint procedure is concluded by the handing over of the goods complained of, their replacement or refund of the purchase price of the goods, by a written invitation to accept performance or by a reasoned refusal.
  • Non-damage of the goods must be checked upon receipt of the goods, as the goods may be damaged in transit, buyers are advised to unpack the goods and inspect them in the presence of the carrier. By your signature to the courier you declare that the packaging is undamaged.
  • These terms and conditions of return are an integral part of the general terms and conditions, and the seller reserves the right to change them at any time without prior notice to the buyer.


  • After completing the form, the damaged goods must be sent to our address listed in the contacts section of this website. Goods sent COD will not be collected.
  • After examination of the defective goods, we will proceed with the claim according to the current legislation.



 Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

 On 1 February 2016, Act No. 391/2015 Coll. on Alternative Dispute Resolution for Consumer Disputes and on Amendments and Additions to Certain Acts entered into force. The aim of this Act is to create a new possibility for consumers to resolve their dispute with the seller quickly, efficiently, less formally and, above all, free of charge or with minimal costs.

Who resolves consumer disputes?

A network of listed entities to which consumers can turn if they have a problem with a seller in relation to a product or service they have purchased. The entities resolve the dispute out of court, the process is less formal, but they must follow the procedure laid down in the law.


If the consumer is not satisfied with the way the seller has handled the complaint or believes that the seller has violated his/her rights, he/she can contact the seller and ask for redress. If the seller does not respond to this request within 30 days of the date of dispatch or responds in the negative, the consumer may refer the matter to the competent body with a request to initiate ADR.

Upon receipt of the complaint, the entity shall examine its legitimacy and decide whether to initiate ADR. On the basis of the reasons set out in the rules, the body may reject the complaint, of which it shall inform the consumer.

Once ADR has been initiated, the entity shall contact both the seller and the buyer in an attempt to resolve the dispute. The dispute should be resolved within 90 days, but this period may be extended for more complex disputes.

Termination of ADR

The goal of ADR is to find a compromise solution for the parties to the dispute and reach an agreement.

However, if the parties fail to reach an agreement and there is a demonstrable violation of the consumer's rights, the entity will draw up an opinion clarifying the consumer's rights and this opinion may serve as a proposal for court proceedings.