Organ Clock

Have you ever heard of the term "organ clock"?

It is a term referring to the time at which a given organ is active. Just as we know the 4 seasons, each month also has its 4 "seasons". They manifest themselves gradually - in the 28-day pilgrimage of the moon through the zodiac. . A similar cycle takes place daily directly in our body and is described by the organic clock.

The daily cycle is divided into 12 parts - two hours each. Chinese medicine distinguishes 12 pulses that correspond to the 12 organs. Each of these organs goes into active activity once every 24 hours for two hours, and then goes into dormancy for two hours at 12 o'clock. In Chinese medicine, this is referred to as the Noon-Night Rule.

(the clock is for winter time, for daylight saving time add an hour, i.e. for example the liver has its clock between 1 to 3 of winter time, 2 to 4 of summer time)

These changes in the activity of the organs are of importance, among other things, in treatment. It is most effective to treat a particular organ when it is at its most active. This information can also help us in developing a daily schedule. 

 How does it work?

01:00 - 03:00

active liver, passive small intestine

Our liver actively works to purify our body. At the same time, it regenerates itself, which is best done when we are lying down. It is not advisable to consume anything at this time, especially not fatty or greasy food and alcohol. It is also inappropriate because the small intestine, where part of the digestion and absorption of nutrients takes place, is in a resting phase. The food we take in at this time is not thoroughly processed, but decomposes in the digestive tract. Gases and toxic fumes are formed.. During these hours, our brains are poorly oxygenated, so caution is needed, especially in activities requiring increased attention. It is not advisable to drive a motor vehicle, at risk of microsleep. Do not try to study, your mind does not work efficiently and the result achieved costs you much more time and effort. In any case, it is not recommended to use stimulants, which should induce increased attention. It depletes the body's energy reserves and seriously damages health.

03:00 - 05:00

active lungs, passive bladder

Lung activity peaks, causing difficulties for asthmatics, bronchitis sufferers, smokers and most people with respiratory diseases. There may be seizures of choking cough, uncomfortable chest tightness, asthma attacks, feeling short of air. People with bladder diseases go to the toilet more often. It is at this time that the greatest feeling of anxiety arises, which causes problems especially for patients suffering from anxiety and depression. The perception of the real situation is distorted, problems seem more serious than they really are. Seriously ill people fall into fear for their lives and despair. Existential fears (e.g. fear of lack of money, loss of job, etc.) are also more intense. When problems escalate, relaxation techniques such as autogenic training, calm visualization, relaxing music, etc. are recommended. For example, the soothing Relax Tea or Harmonia Tea can also help. If feelings of fear and anxiety are very strong, a brisk walk in the fresh air or moderate sporting activity may help. It is important to realise that physiological processes in the body are involved in these feelings, and the real situation is not as dramatic as it seems to us at the moment. The state of the body will soon be different and our fears will calm down.

05:00 - 07:00

active colon, passive kidneys

At such a time, the colon is performing active contraction movements (peristaltic), so it is a good time to defecate. To help constipation sufferers and those with irregular bowel movements, this is an ideal time to train their body to be regular and they can also help themselves with a sip of KloroFitt or the Colon cleansing supplement Colon. Before visiting the toilet, it is recommended to drink 3-4 Dl of slightly warm water and then do a few exercises (squats, slight trotting on the spot).It is necessary to be patient, the results will not leave you waiting for a long time. Regular bowel movements are very important for our health. Irregular defecation causes many health problems. These include fatigue, eczema, acne, hemorrhoids, anal fissures to colon cancer. The kidneys are passive at this time, which means it is not advisable to drink large amounts of fluids at once. Some so-called cleanses recommend drinking 1.5 to 2 litres of water in a matter of minutes first thing in the morning - this amount of water in such a short space of time is a burden on the kidneys during their passive phase, literally a gamble. Take inspiration from a detox cure instead.

07:00 - 09:00

active stomach, passive circulatory system

The activity of the stomach isat its peak. The body processes the ingested food best, so this is the best time to eat. Food eaten during these hours should be the most nutritious of the day. It is therefore very important to consume fruits and foods rich in vitamins at this time, not forgetting the important vitamin C, but if you cannot get enough of it from your diet, reach for Liposomal Vitamin C. Since the circulatory system is in a passive phase, the body needs to be warm. So this is not a good time to shower, especially not in cold water. If we need to wash at this time, we should take a hot bath or a warm shower. After the bath, it would be advisable to wrap up in a warm blanket. However, this is almost impossible for most people, as this is the time when they go to work. Often they have no idea that for years they have been doing exactly what weakens their organism. One of the biggest transgressions in this two-hour series is cold showers and cold drinks. Definitely don't consume the ice cream!

09:00 - 11:00

spleen and pancreas active, passive triple heater

The pancreas and spleen are at their peak, so this isthe only time of day when the body is able to digest sweets. This information is especially relevant for those who are overweight and love sweets. Eating sweet foods and snacking, if they can't give it up, should be scheduled for these hours. Alcohol consumption is not recommended under any circumstances. Fruits, honey, sweet fruit juices such as Sea Buckthorn-Apple Juice or Beetroot-Apple Juice are suitable. Around 11 am our mental faculties reach their peak. At this time, we should not engage in physical activity.

11:00 - 13:00

active heart, passive gallbladder

It is a period of active heart activity. It is therefore not advisable to load it with large amounts of food, coffee, alcohol or other stimulants. At this time, our blood pressure is at its maximum. A short sleep or rest, or just moderate physical activity (a relaxing walk in nature) is ideal. In the summer and hot months, staying out of the sun should be avoided. A sauna, hot bath or shower is not advisable. Do not consume very hot food or drinks. Our mind and body are in a sluggish state; we should not drive a motor vehicle or do strenuous mental or physical work. There is an increased risk of accidents. Certain types of massage are not suitable for overheating the body, nor are hot face masks, wraps, candle treatments, etc. However, if you are in the mood for a "cold massage", be sure to use Maximum Balm to relax the muscles and relieve pain and stiffness.

13:00 - 15:00

active small intestine, passive liver

The small intestine reaches the peak of its activity. It processes nutrients from ingested food and supplies our body with the necessary energy. Our physicalperformance increases, which can be used in sports, gardening, or other activities requiring physical strength.The liver is in decline, so people whose liver energy is weak experience drowsiness at this time. There is reduced sensitivity of the teeth at these hours, so it is a good time to visit the dentist.

15:00 - 17:00

active bladder, passive lungs

Physical and mental activity continues to increase until it reaches the so-called second performance peak. Of all the body's organs, the bladder is the most active, so it is advisable to drink plenty of fluids and also to support the body with Flow Tea or Chlorophyte.In the case of herbal teas at this time, it is a good idea to alternate between them. This is the best time for sports activities. Our body is able to process more hearty food. It is the most suitable time for sports.

17:00 - 19:00

active kidneys, passive colon

The peak of activity is reached by the kidneys. At this time we can increase fluid intake. The daily fluid intake should be replenished no later than  7 pm, after which the kidneys do not benefit from drinking more. It is important not to consume substances that are harmful to the body at this time: coffee, sugar, fats, salt, vinegar, lemonade, alcohol, foods containing preservatives and various chemical additives. The kidneys are sensitive to cold, so bathing in cold or lukewarm water, swimming, staying in the cold, in damp and cold weather, etc., is not suitable. Their balance is also affected by stress, it is especially inappropriate to quarrel with a partner at this time. People begin to feel tired, their body requires rest, comfort with a cup of tea. We recommend Harmonia or Relax tea. Those whose renal energy is weakened experience great fatigue at these hours, freeze, or have a hot face and red cheeks. In such a case rest in warmth is most suitable.

19:00 - 21:00

active circulatory system, passive stomach

Escalated activity of the circulatory system. At this time, our body is most sensitive. <It is advisable to take medicines, herbal preparations, ointments, skin creams, masks, massage oils. All painful interventions are inappropriate, because it is in these hours that we perceive pain most intensely. This is not a good time for skin cleansing for acne, epilation, use of laser, shaving, etc. We should not engage in sports where punches are common (boxing, karate, judo, etc.). Mental receptivity is also increased, which is the reason for going to the cinema, theatre, concert, exhibition, reading, listening to music or studying. It is an ideal time for sexual experience. People whose digestion is not in order should no longer eat at this time. Eaten food can remain unprocessed in the digestive tract, which will negatively affect other organs, especially the liver, lungs, kidneys and heart.

21:00 - 23:00

triple heater is active, spleen and pancreas are passive

The body prepares for sleep. At this time, no stimulants (coffee, chocolate, cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, stimulants) or anything that would activate the body in any way (e.g. dynamic sports) are advisable. Food consumed during these hours will not be processed, the energy from the food will be stored in the form of fat. It is the worst time for food intake, very inappropriate especially for people who are overweight and want to lose weight. A good time for meditation, relaxation.

23:00 - 01:00

active gallbladder, passive heart

The greatest activity of the gallbladder. At this time we are already supposed to rest, so as not to take energy away from our organs, which work during sleep. Those who suffer from gallbladder disease may wake up in these hours in pain. If the pain does not appear, but the person is just waking up, it is a signal that something is already wrong and the trouble will not wait long. At this stage, when the trouble is still brewing, we can prevent the outbreak of the disease. It is important to take some necessary measures: adjust our diet, ensure our body gets enough rest,increase physical activity and harmonize our mind. In this way, we can avoid difficulties that would cost us much more effort to solve.

What about such a biological year? 

Based on the observation of changes in the human body depending on the seasons, Chinese doctors have defined the so-called biological year.

According to their observations:

spring in humans begins in mid-February 
summer early June
late summer in mid-July 
autumn in mid-September 
winter in mid-November
The critical period for human health and fitness is spring and autumn, when the organism is particularly vulnerable. Therefore, fasting, cleansing treatments, drinking teas to purify the blood, etc., are advisable at this time. The sensitivity and vulnerability is also increased during the transition from winter to spring.

The effect of the seasons

The season of rebirth -everything is opening up to the energy that grows with the warmer days. Chinese medicine recommends: eating sweet foods - carrots, honey, woodpeckers, malt sugar, not eating sour
Season of activity and growth, Chinese medicine recommends: eat lighter foods - especially melons and a variety of vegetables such as tomatoes and cucumbers
harvest time, rest after summer activity, the body stores energy for the winter, Chinese medicine recommends: eat - honey, sesame seeds, dairy products, apples, bananas, grapefruit, chestnuts, pears, oranges, tangerines and seaweed
a period of calm, Chinese medicine recommends: eat - meat, ginger, black pepper, all kinds of onions, garlic and leafy vegetables. It is important to be extra careful during this period, especially if any of these organs are diseased or weakened.

An overview of organ weakening by season:

January: bladder 
February: kidney 
March: gallbladder
April: liver
May: heart 
June: small intestine 
July: blood circulation 
August: thermoregulation of the body 
September: spleen and pancreas 
October: stomach 
November: lungs 
December: colon
We hope you find this information helpful in setting up your daily regimen and lifestyle. If you are interested in this topic, you can also read about the lunar calendar and its influence on our health.

Sources:, book Derek Walters - Chinese astrology,