Diet against hemorrhoids: 10 foods that can help you
Hemorrhoids are uncomfortable and painful. They are one of the common problems encountered by up to half of the adult population. Although their causes can be several, they are often associated with poor eating habits. A properly chosen diet can help relieve the symptoms of hemorrhoids or even prevent them from occurring in the first place. Let's take a look at 10 foods that should be part of the diet for hemorrhoids.
- Fiber: A diet rich in fiber is key to preventing and treating hemorrhoids. It helps to keep the stool soft, which prevents excessive pushing when defecating. Include foods such as whole grain cereals, fruits, vegetables, legumes or nuts in your diet.
- Oats: Oats are rich in fiber and can help with constipation, which is often associated with the occurrence of hemorrhoids.
- Berries: Berries are a great source of fiber. In addition, they are rich in antioxidants, which promote overall health and can help relieve inflammation associated with hemorrhoids.
- Bananas: Bananas are rich in fiber and can help regulate digestion. They also contain potassium, which can help relieve inflammation and swelling.
- Nuts and seeds: These foods are good sources of fiber and healthy fats that can help promote healthy digestion.
- Water: Adequate fluid intake is important to prevent constipation and promote healthy digestion. Try to drink at least 2 litres of water daily.
- Vegetables.
- Whole grain foods: These foods contain a lot of fiber and can help with constipation and prevent hemorrhoids.
- Fish: Fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which can help reduce inflammation and promote heart and blood vessel health.
- Yogurt: Yogurt is rich in probiotics, which promote healthy gut flora and can help with constipation.
On the other hand, some foods can worsen the condition with hemorrhoids. Examples include alcohol, coffee, hot spices, industrially processed foods, foods rich in fat and salt.These foods can cause constipation and increase pressure on the veins in the rectum.
Remember that changing your eating habits can have a big impact on your health and can make a significant contribution to the prevention and treatment of hemorrhoids. In addition to diet, natural products can help relieve the symptoms of hemorrhoids. However, if you are suffering from severe symptoms, it is important to seek medical attention.