Rosacea: how to get rid of redness and unsightly veins
Rosacea, also known as rosacea, is visible at first glance because it appears mainly on the face. It can also occur on the neck, chest or limbs. It is characterized by red spots on the cheeks and nose, the so-called "spider veins", i.e. visible blood vessels, swelling, burning or stinging depending on the subtype of the disease. If left untreated, bumps and pimples appear, especially in men, and the skin on the nose thickens.
Rosacea develops around the age of twenty. Later, the symptoms can worsen and improve, during the whole life. According to surveys by the National Rosacea Society, up to 90 percent of people with rosacea experience decreased self-confidence and self-esteem, and more than 40 percent even avoid social contact.
Although rosacea causes embarrassment, frustration or anxiety for people suffering from this chronic inflammatory disease, and there is no cure for rosacea, it is possible to keep the disease under control. And that with proper skin care, a healthy lifestyle and the detection of factors that worsen the inflammatory condition of rosacea.
Rosacea and its symptoms
One of the main symptoms of rosacea is redness in the area of the cheeks and nose, which resembles a sunburn. It is often accompanied by feelings of heat or burning. Unsightly branched red veins are also present, which resemble a spider's web in appearance.
Other symptoms include, for example, swelling, stinging, dry, rough and scaly skin, acne-like pimples, enlarged and inflamed pores, raised spots and bumps on the skin, thickened skin especially around the nose, and eye irritation with visible blood vessels inside the eyelids.
Regarding the symptoms and severity of rosacea, it is important to know that it is divided into four subtypes. The first one is mainly about facial redness and visible blood vessels. The second subtype is manifested by rashes resembling acne, with the difference that in rosacea the skin is drier, not oily. Thickening of the skin is typical for the third, and the fourth manifests itself in and around the eyes.
Rose rose versus couperosa
Rosaceais a chronic inflammatory disease characterized by redness and visible blood vessels in the early stages, while initial symptoms may be similar to couperosis.
Couperosis affects the blood vessels on the face, which lose their firmness and elasticity and are visible through the skin. Dilated thin subcutaneous capillaries and veins can be accompanied by feelings of dryness, sensitivity and redness.
This means that both rosacea and couperose are accompanied by the same symptoms in the early stages – erythema (redness of the skin) and telangiectasia (vascular stars). Couperosis can be a harbinger of rosacea, so it is necessary to address this problem as soon as possible so that couperosis does not develop into rosacea. Cream for couperose can easily be from the range of rosacea cosmetics.
Rosacea: causes and factors of disease development
There are a number of external or psychological factors behind the formation of rosacea, which can overlap and, of course, are individual. Since it is an inflammatory skin disease, experts assume that increased levels of inflammation in the human body are behind the development of the disease. However, a person affected by rosacea can influence them to a large extent.
Causes and factors that influence the development of the disease include, for example, problems with blood vessels, damage to the skin by sunlight, cold, pollution, stress, alcohol, cigarettes, chemicals and many others.
According to one analysis from Poland, 43 women and 26 men were found to be among the factors that trigger rosacea, stress, exposure to the sun, alcohol, excessive exercise, drinking coffee and spicy foods.
Rosacea and its treatment
Rosacea treatment is always tailored by a dermatologist. It can be oral or topical drugs or a combination of them. After the acute stage has subsided, it is usually necessary to maintain the disease in remission through anti-inflammatory agents, proper care and a suitable lifestyle.
For example, in the first subtype of rosacea, which is characterized by redness and visible blood vessels, brimonidine tartrate is used for local treatment. Oral medication is usually not necessary. In higher stages, combined treatment is used.
4 natural tips to live with rosacea in harmony
because you want to combine the treatment of rosacea prescribed by a doctor with natural remedies, be inspired by the following tips. What is important?
Natural helpers that can eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of rosacea and at the same time keep it in a dormant stage include, for example, chamomile, aloe vera, burdock, comfrey or green tea. Essential oils, specifically eucalyptus, lavender or tea tree, will also help.
One of the top natural remedies for alleviating the symptoms of rosacea and overall skin treatment is aloe vera. Of course, even in the case of rosacea, it is great to combine internal use with local application to the affected areas.
Since rosacea is a chronic inflammatory skin disease, aloe vera is made for this purpose. Aloe contains a wide range of antioxidants, including vitamins C and E, which reduce inflammation and protect the skin from free radical damage. Last but not least, it strengthens the immune system.
Rosacea cream, which reduces redness and swelling, soothes irritation, promotes cell regeneration, hydrates the skin and does not burden it with unnecessary chemicals, can also be in the form of a balm. Psorisoft balm contains aloe vera as the main ingredient. Its healing and regenerating effects are multiplied by other represented ingredients, such as extract from arnica, chamomile, rosemary, eucalyptus and lavender essential oil.
In addition to the fact that rosacea cosmetics must not be missing in your cosmetic case, it is necessary to pay attention to several important principles when treating the skin. Skin with rosacea also needs daily cleaning. For this, use a gentle cleanser designed for rosacea. After cleaning, rinse your skin with lukewarm water and dry with a cotton towel.
After cleansing, rosacea cream can be regularly applied to the skin. Rosacea cream can be combined with castor oil, which is an integral part of Chinese medicine and Ayurveda. It has anti-inflammatory properties, accelerates healing, provides the skin with the necessary nutrients and hydration. An alternative to the rosacea cream can be a face and neck serum containing healing aloe and marine collagen.
It is essential to protect the skin from UVA and UVB rays with a sunscreen with SPF 30 or more. Prefer mineral sunscreens containing zinc. Before using any cosmetic product, always test it on your neck and observe the skin's reaction.
Many expertsadvise to look at rosacea as a problem of the whole body, not just the skin. It is no secret that intestinal problems are often reflected on the skin. A number of scientific studies have confirmed that rosacea, acne, dermatitis or psoriasis are related to inflammatory diseases of the digestive tract.
One of the basic pillars of healthy intestines is diet. In inflammatory diseases, the so-called anti-inflammatory diet. It is based on the consumption of basic, that is, minimally industrially processed foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, cold-pressed oils and the like. Anti-inflammatory herbs and spices, such as garlic, onion, ginger, turmeric or cinnamon, must not be missing from the menu.
On the contrary, rosacea and its symptoms are aggravated by excessive intake of alcohol, caffeine, sugar and highly industrialized foods in the form of white bread, sweets, cured meats, canned foods and so on.
Discovering the triggers of rosacea can help prevent the existing condition from worsening. There is a wide variety of triggers and factors. The National Rosacea Society compiled a list of triggers based on the medical history of its patients. It can be, for example, certain foods (entrails, chocolate, soy sauce...), alcoholic beverages, coffee, hot chocolate, staying in a sauna, strong cold, menopause, chronic cough and many others.
The patients themselves, based on the survey, mentioned exposure to the sun, emotional stress, warm weather, wind, strenuous exercise, alcohol consumption, hot baths, etc. as triggers. Emotional stress as a trigger for rosacea was cited by up to 79 percent of respondents.
That is also why it is advisable to keep a daily diary, where you briefly summarize not only the foods you eat, but also other facts related to your lifestyle and, of course, the condition of your rosacea. Don't forget to look inside yourself and assess your stress level. Based on this, you can find out what triggers your rosacea.
Rosacea: what really helps?
It is said that every illness is a warning that something is wrong in our life. Not to mention the chronic ones. Since rosacea is a chronic skin disease, it is essential to think about your lifestyle, reevaluate your priorities and adjust your lifestyle.